Friday, June 4, 2021

What to Remember While Sanitizing a Shared Work Desk

 Not all companies have their employees sitting in individual cubicles. Some allow multiple workers to be at a longer table at once if it’s safe, or use the space in a rotating way (different times) for various employees. These types of desks are also popular in coworking spaces, bringing people from different companies together.

Commercial Cleaning Services

Having a bigger desk can be a positive in many ways. For example, it could help with the collaborative nature of a business to discuss new ideas. It can also provide a larger workspace so staff can spread out their electronics and notes for easier access. But while the shared desk is bigger, the amount of cleaning required goes with it, and that’s where cleaning services in Hamilton can save you time and effort.

However, while you should rely on regular visits from office cleaning in Hamilton to clean all common areas of your business space, there are certain steps you should follow if you’re doing some of the maintenance yourself (that goes beyond a quick sanitizing wipe across the surface.)


Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

How Arelli Can Help Maintain Compliance with the Latest Guidance for Reopening Schools

While many schools across Ontario are currently open to welcome students in person, there are new guidelines in place to help maintain safety that can be made easier to achieve through visits from janitorial cleaning services in Barrie.


The U.S.-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently released its advice about how school leaders can safely open schools for kindergarteners up to Grade 12 students. Among its recommendations are students should wear masks (and wear them correctly), while continuing to maintain physical distancing. Proper hand washing and coughing/sneezing etiquette should also be reinforced (meaning coughing into a tissue or using the inside of your elbow.)


Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Importance of Janitorial Cleaning During Winter Months

When it comes to winter, your staff doesn’t take the season off – and neither should janitorial cleaning services. In fact, not only should you maintain regular visits from commercial janitorial services during the colder months, you might even want to consider increasing them.

commercial janitorial services

Why? Well, if you’re familiar with Canadian winters, then you’ll know that they can create a mess from snow, ice, and dirt. Mix them together and they get stuck onto shoes and boots, which then tracks into the office. While this can make flooring slippery, becoming a liability, the salt and grime can also eat away at flooring and make its way deep into carpeting, potentially causing damage.

There’s another big reason to step up your cleaning and janitorial services schedule in winter. Most people will be wearing gloves during the winter months, and on the surface that may seem like they’re protected from picking up viruses and germs onto their hands. But the opposite is true – the gloves can become a magnet for them, and then get spread onto doorknobs and other surfaces when a staff or client enters the building. Those same surfaces can be touched by others, potentially causing illnesses.

Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Friday, January 15, 2021

How to Clean an Office Infected with COVID-19

It’s one of the biggest worries for many employers right now – what happens if a staff member or customer who tests positive for the COVID-19 virus has been in the workplace? While commercial office cleaning is your ally in this situation, there’s more to know about how to handle it.

commercial office cleaning

The first step according to the CDC is to block off areas the infected person were known to be in the building (considering that the virus can survive for days on certain surfaces and that the virus is transmitted primarily through airborne droplets.) Opening windows or doors when possible to ventilate the areas is also helpful.

Target Higher-Risk Areas First

While the CDC says to wait a day before cleaning to minimize potential exposure, a cleaning services company can then be brought in to sanitize and disinfect the problem areas first, along with any common surfaces that could have been touched by the infected person such as doorknobs and bathrooms.

Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Importance of Preventive Cleaning at the Workplace During a Pandemic

Getting your workplace sanitized and disinfected on a regular schedule by cleaning services in Vaughan is important at all times, but especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Not only will this practice make your office look (and smell) more welcoming, it will also reduce potentially harmful pathogens from surfaces that can lead to illnesses and lost productivity. If you run the type of business that welcomes clients into the building, you’ll obviously want to reduce the risk of transmission to them as well.

cleaning services in Vaughan

There are a number of things your staff can do between visits from janitorial services in Vaughan, such as preventive cleaning.

Keeping Surfaces Sanitized Between Professional Visits

While professional office cleaning services in Vaughan can target all surfaces in the office, there are certain ones that will need more attention than others. For example, staff may regularly use kitchen appliances such as microwaves and coffee makers (not to mention countertops), while door handles and copy machines are other common things that staff will come in contact with.

Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Making Use of Hand Sanitizers Effectively to Maintain Safety During the Pandemic

Now that many people are returning to the office, there are a number of precautions that employees can take to lower their risk of catching or spreading COVID-19. 

While social distancing and wearing proper PPE’s might be two approaches, proper commercial cleaning services and using hand sanitizers are other trusted ways to help keep the virus at bay. 

Cleaning Services

However, when it comes to sanitizers, there’s a right and wrong way to use it. Whether it’s your own supply at your workstation or from a public dispenser, ensure you are using one that is alcohol-based that contains at least 60% or higher alcohol. Put enough sanitizer on your hands to cover all surfaces of both sides of your hands and rub together to create friction like you would washing your hands with soap and water until they feel dry (this should take around 20 seconds). Ensure the sanitizers are not part of the ones being recalled.

Make Sure It’s Approved

When choosing a hand sanitizer, make sure the product has been approved by Health Canada. This does not mean they’re specifically aimed at coronavirus; however, these products have been shown to reduce the spread of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases.

Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:

Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Dos and Don’ts of Disinfecting and Sanitizing – CCOHS Guidelines

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety is the primary national agency in Canada dealing with safe and healthy workplaces. Their mandate is the prevention of work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths in all industries.
Industrial cleaning services like Arelli Cleaning look to the CCOHS to ensure their methods meet the standard of care needed for proper commercial cleaning and disinfection services. While some of these Dos and Don’ts seem like common knowledge, it’s important to keep them all top of mind when performing your own disinfecting and sanitizing.
Industrial cleaning services
(Note: these tips cover commercial disinfection services in workplaces other than healthcare facilities. Health care professionals should act based on their in-house infection control procedures)
As a general rule, workplaces should be free from garbage, debris, and infectious materials. While this feels like a no-brainer, any garbage that seems to be piling up should be dealt with immediately.
Address Details:
Arelli Cleaning
10-8707 Dufferin st. Unit 158, Vaughan, ON, L4J 0A6
Business Email:
Business Phone Number: 905-553-6545